The Research Continues…

BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!  Take the UPDATED survey and share your experience as a working mother during the pandemic.

Are you a working mother? Do you want to make a difference by making your voice heard? This is your opportunity to participate in research that will help develop workplace programs and other interventions focused on improving the well-being of working mothers. You can help by participating in a short, anonymous, UPDATED 10-minute survey which can be found here This study is part of doctoral research sponsored and overseen by Northeastern University and has been updated to reflect what we have learned over the last six months about working mothers’ experiences during the pandemic.

The purpose of this study is to better understand the challenges you face on a daily basis, with the goal of helping develop interventions and programs that can help you meet those challenges and improve your well-being. Your feedback may also be used to develop programs that can be implemented in the workplace to help working mothers in various environments improve their well-being.

Your participation in the survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. No identifying information will be collected during the survey process. The survey data will be collected and aggregated for analysis. The survey can be found at (insert link to survey here).

If you volunteer to take part in this study, you may also volunteer to participate in
subsequent individual interviews. Instructions on how to volunteer for an interview will be included at the end of the survey. To participate in the survey, click here, or contact the researcher at or the research advisor at

This study is part of doctoral research sponsored by at Northeastern University and is being conducted with oversight of Northeastern University’s Institutional Review Board. Questions about this research or the university’s research policies may be directed to


Northeastern University, Doctor of Education
Name of Investigator(s): Principal Investigator, Dr. Tova Sanders and Frawn Morgan, student researcher

Title of Project: Challenges to well-being faced by working mothers

Request to Participate in Research
We would like to invite you to take part in a research project. The purpose of this research is to examine and explore challenges working mothers face in maintaining their well-being.

You must be at least 18 years old to be in this research project.

The study will be delivered via online survey and will take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. If you decide to take part in this study, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire sharing information about you and your challenges as a working mother. Should you choose to also participate in an individual
interview it will be scheduled subsequent to the collection of all survey results and will last approximately one hour.

There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts to you for taking part in this study.

There are no direct benefits to you for participating in the study. However, your answers may help us to learn more about challenges facing working mothers. Should you choose to participate in a subsequent focus group, there may be some indirect benefit to you from interacting with other working mothers.

Should you participate in the survey, your part in this study will be anonymous. That means no one will know if you took part in this study and no one, including the researcher, will know what your answers are. Any reports or publications based on this research will use only group data and will not identify you or any individual as being part of this project.

Should you also choose to participate in an individual interview, your part in this study will be handled in a confidential manner. Only the researchers will know that you participated in this study. Any reports or publications based on this research will use only aggregated data and will not identify you or any individual as being of this project.

It is possible that respondents could be identified by the IP address or other electronic record associated with the response. Neither the researcher nor anyone involved with this survey will be capturing those data. If you have any questions regarding electronic privacy, please feel free to contact Northeastern University’s Office of Information Security via phone at 617-373-7901, or via email at

The decision to participate in this research project is up to you. You do not have to participate and you can refuse to answer any question. Even if you begin the study, you may withdraw at any time.

You will not be paid for your participation in this study.

If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to contact Frawn Morgan at or (949) 401-9672, the person mainly responsible for the research. You can also contact Dr. Tova Sanders at, the Principal Investigator.

If you have any questions about your rights in this research, you may contact Nan C. Regina, Director, Human Subject Research Protection, Mail Stop: 560-177, 360 Huntington Avenue, Northeastern

IRB APPROVED 8-13-20; CPS20-07-04
Recruitment message:

IRB# CPS20-07-04
Approved: 8/13/2020
No Expiration Date
University, Boston, MA 02115. Tel: 617.373.4588, Email: You may call anonymously if you wish.

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Northeastern University Institutional Review Board (# CPS20-07-04).

You may keep this form for yourself.
Thank you.

Frawn Morgan