Participate in the FIRST-EVER university-based research study focused solely on the WELL-BEING of WORKING MOTHERS!  This is now MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER!  Share your experience and let your voice be heard!

More info, including the link to the actual research survey, here…. (link to a new page RESEARCH STUDY with the university approved recruitment information, also attached and called Morgan, Frawn….stamped docs).  The recruitment document will contain the survey link, which I am waiting to add.

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THE RESEARCH IS IN…. How did Working Moms faring during the pandemic? 142 working mothers responded to the call to share their experiences and well-being impacts. The most important finding was that 85% of the respondents reported suffering from maternal guilt. From these results, a 6-week workshop was designed and implemented. The good news is […]

The last several months have been unusual, to say the least!  For those of that are working, its very likely our work environments are very different from earlier in the year.  Working moms who relied on the public and private school systems to provide not on an education to their children but also childcare have […]

Working mothers have been especially hard-hit by the pandemic.  In addition to balancing their work responsibilities from home – many working remotely for the first time – they are also having to serve as school mistresses and child-care providers, pushing many to the edge of burnout…and beyond.  What’s a working mother to do?  Read on […]

“Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day.”  Benjamin Franklin   I love Benjamin Franklin and look often to his wisdom for insights; the quote above is one which I find appropriate for what we are going through right […]

Many working mothers I talk to tell the same story….the morning alarm comes way too early!  It seems that with their busy days at work, their busy nights with their families, and their busy lives, they never seem to get enough sleep.  Hitting the snooze button for an extra 10 minutes in the morning is […]

When I was researching depression in children of mothers who work, every mother I talked to worried that working might be negatively impacting their children’s development. They worried that they should be spending more time with their kids and they felt guilty that they weren’t. During that research, I found that kids of working mothers […]

I have long had a passion for the plight of working mothers.  You may think my choice of language too bold, but having been a working mother for thirty years, and a single working mother for six of those years, I understand how difficult the situation facing many working mothers can be. From my own […]

Working mothers take everything they do seriously because they care.  They care about their work and they care about their families (and generally not in that order), creating stress and guilt for them.  This stress can make them tired, moody, anxious, and sometimes even depressed.  How can working mothers reduce the negative impacts of this […]

How it all began…. I have long had a passion for the plight of working mothers. You may think my choice of language too bold, but having been a working mother for thirty years, and a single working mother for six of those years, I understand how difficult the situation facing many working mothers can […]

As a student in Martin Seligman’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program at Penn (lovingly referred to as “MAPP”), I was in awe of him.  When he singled me out one afternoon in October 2016 by responding to a question I raised with “someone really should investigate that”, I knew he had thrown down the […]

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about me

Frawn Morgan researches well-being; specifically how fostering well-being in working mothers can improve the working mother experience, the mother-child relationship, and build emotional health and well-being in children, building protection against adolescent depression.

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